Creating a personal wellness retreat
So many of us struggle with the idea of a ‘holiday’ without purpose — wellness retreats included. Society demands stories from us: the places we’ve been; the experiences we’ve had; the weight we’ve lost; the hotel we stayed in; the detox procedure we’ve endured; the hours of yoga we’ve completed. When you’re suffering from stress or anxiety the last thing you need is more pressure, more expectations. A personal wellness retreat is for no one but you. Its only purpose is to remove you from stress and anxiety. I encourage you to design one for yourself and use it to simply be.
Being the observer
Many of us go into ‘performance mode’ in social and work situations. We feel an expectation to be a certain way, so we assume a role. During my years working in corporations I was ‘on’ most of the time. The role I played was always in control, always available and never said no. Because of that, I was successful, liked and given many great opportunities. Unfortunately, it’s also why I burned out.
What to do when you’ve burned out — a practical guide
In 2018, after getting through some difficult weeks at work, I had a panic attack during a team meeting and ten days later was diagnosed with a burnout. I’d heard about burnout and dismissed it as something that happens to other people, not to me, but I knew I was in trouble — when you burn out, you know it. I looked online for help and found lots of content about avoiding a burn out, but little to nothing about what to do when you actually have one. I’m a very practical person and what I desperately needed was for someone to tell me what to do — I guess this article is for people like me. It took me a full six months to get back to some semblance of normality, but I got there. My life is completely different now and my hope is that my story will help others.